There has been much interest about the prospect of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers and Canadian Auto Workers unions joining together to create a new union and a new face for Canadian labour.
Discussions between the two unions have been ongoing, through the joint Proposal Committee which met recently in Toronto. Today we have launched new joint websites to keep members up to date and provide the latest information on the discussions as well as new documents, resources and other useful materials.
The two joint sites and will be regularly updated as new information and multi-media materials become available. We encourage you to sign up on the site to get regular updates.
We also want to hear from you - if you have ideas or suggestions, please be sure to share them via the “Contact Us” form.
The Proposal Committee will meet again this week, this time in Ottawa, March 15-17. We will send out a summary following the meeting.
Thank you for your continuing interest in this unique and exciting opportunity to not just combine resources, but become an even stronger voice on behalf of working people and social justice right across the country.
In solidarity,
Dave Coles
National President
Ken Lewenza
National President