The COVID-19 pandemic has gone on longer than many of us expected, or hoped. The toll on many of has been great as we were separated from loved ones, and possibly struggled with declining income or added pressures at work.
This page is your guide to the resources and information you need to navigate these times over the long haul - whether than means continuing to rely on government COVID relief programs, work from home, ease your way back into work or your workplace was never shut down.
This site is divided into several tabs to help you find the information you need:
- Resources, where you will find resources for applying for government aid, webinars and more
- Updates, where you will find press releases, statements, new resources, releases and more, listed in chronological order
- Health & Safety, which includes the resources you need for safely returning to work and ensuring a safe workplace, including mental health supports
- Local Resources, which contains resources for Local union leadership and Health & Safety reps as they work with employers on COVID-19 protocols in their workplaces
- Sector Updates. Each industry has specific needs during the pandemic, and this tab is meant to provide sector-specific information
- Regional Information. The further we get into the pandemic, the more regional differences are emerging in our responses. Find out what the situation is in your province or territory.
One thing we have learned since the pandemic began is that things are constantly changing as we learn more about the virus, so be sure to check back regularly to this page as we update the resources under each of the tabs.
If you have any questions that have not been answered on this page, feel free to reach out via the contact information to the right on your screen.
We all look forward to a stronger and healthier future. Until we get there, it is important that we all work to support one another. Be sure, as well, to check out Unifor’s campaigns for a stronger future, including: