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zoom meeting frames with Unifor leaders and guest
June 25 - 12:30 PM EDT
It’s an education in positive change.
Brenda Gunn
June 24 - 11:30 AM EDT
Unifor held its fourth webinar for National Indigenous History Month, led by Indigenous Liaison Gina Smoke on June 22, 2121
Picture of Premier Andrew Furey with hashtag Don’t Sell NL
June 24 - 9:30 AM EDT
Unifor has launched a new ‘Don’t Sell NL’ campaign in opposition to austerity measures proposed in The Big Reset report by Premier Andrew Furey’s ....
Unifor's Drag the red boad
June 21 - 12:00 PM EDT
Unifor is a key supporter and sponsor of the Winnipeg community-driven campaign to ‘Drag the Red’ river in Manitoba.
Screen capture of keynote speaker Pam Palmater in her office
June 17 - 10:45 AM EDT
The third webinar in the Unifor Education Department’s Turtle Island series during Indigenous History Month was held on June 15, 2021
A dozen people stand on the road at a remote picket line location with forested mountains in the background
June 16 - 6:00 PM EDT
Unifor members at the Trafigura mine in Myra Falls, B.C. ratified a new three-year collective agreement on June 15, 2020, ending a brief strike


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