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October 18 - 1:45 PM EDT
Invoking the Occupy movement from a year ago when millions around the world were decrying economic inequality...
October 17 - 3:00 PM EDT
But with the labour movement under attack from an increasingly global economy and anti-union legislation that could make workplace organizing...
October 17 - 3:00 PM EDT
“Workers across the country will soon have a greater opportunity for union representation in their community and existing members will have ..."
October 17 - 2:45 PM EDT
Key players have said the two groups must join forces in order to ensure protection for existing members and inject some life back into...
October 17 - 2:45 PM EDT
Delegates at a CEP convention in Quebec City approved a 45-page blueprint for a new union that will boast more than 300,000 members...
October 17 - 2:30 PM EDT
“With this new union we are sending out a clear message that labour is ready to do what is necessary to take on governments and employers..."


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