Need to know more about how to make a claim when injured at work by accident or by disease? How to protect an injured worker’s rights to compensation during the return to work phase? How to trouble-shoot a claim? How to avoid lengthy appeals? How to fight for a better compensation system?
This three-day course on workers’ compensation is for workers' compensation advocates (both new and experienced), bargaining committee members, stewards and committeepersons, worker health and safety committee members, other union workplace representatives, and interested members.
This is an activist-based course. The class collectively builds a union strategy to protect the injured worker. An in-depth discussion of model collective agreement language shows what we can bargain to fix some of the most serious problems. The course concludes with discussion of how we can press for change in our workplaces, at the Board and in the legislation. Get the tools you need to best represent our members when they need it most!