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Unifor Foundations (PFOUND)


5 Days

This is a course for members, activists and leaders.  The course begins by examining the nature of work and exploring what workers have in common today.  We look at how work, conditions of work, and control over work have been shaped by the development of the capitalist system from colonialism to the present day.  Starting with our experiences as workers and community members, we examine various ways that governments have responded to global and corporate pressures and how this directly impacts our life experiences – from our health, to where we live and work, to what we eat, to how we spend our time.

We’ll explore how unions work, what we do for workers, and how unions have changed the nature of work and helped shape society.  We’ll investigate our own union’s history and consider the challenges we face today.  We’ll look at basic principles of collective bargaining, union democracy, labour’s role in politics, working class diversity, and union renewal.  We’ll include a focus on ways that working people have envisioned and fought for a more just and equal society.