This course has been designed to demystify the "Ergonomic Process", allowing our leadership/activists to see beyond the one-dimensional aspect of injury reduction (important as this is), while also recognizing a powerful tool to be used to improve the ergonomic and psycho-social well-being of our members as they proceed through their working lives.
We know the effects of poorly designed jobs. Workers Compensation statistics tell the story of workers suffering lost time injuries. In the short term this results in the loss of earning power, pain and suffering, pressure on the health care system, and (hard to define) psychological stress on the entire family.
Activity groups will focus on one major Workplace Case Study, as well as drawing more general lessons from sessions such as how the body works and potential injuries, identifying ergonomic hazards, anthropometry (human body dimensions), ergonomic tools used to assess, physical demands analysis defining the physical aspect of a job, ergonomic legislation or guidelines, and sample ergonomic collective agreement language.