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Worker Referral Assistance Programme (WRAP) - Level 1 (PWRAP1)


5 Days

This course is for Employee & Family Assistance/Substance Abuse Representatives, Workplace Representatives and Local Union Officers.

In level one, participants will discuss:

  • Unions and communities working together;
  • Your community services;
  • Principles of communication;
  • Interviewing and referral skills;
  • Implementing/strengthening employee and family assistance program in the local union;
  • Stress;
  • Addiction and dependency;
  • Loss and grief.

Mental illness, including addictions and other dependency disorders impact many of our members and their families.  Union Representatives are the referral agents or liaisons to community resources that can help members experiencing such problems access the services they need will protecting their confidentiality.

For further information contact Mike Byrne, Unifor staff liaison, to the EFAP Committee at