Unifor's Constitution outlines the union's organizational structure, statement of principles, democratic governance and other core elements.
To download the Unifor 2019 constitution, click here. If you have trouble accessing the document, contact: communications@unifor.org for support.
The Unifor Public Review Board (PRB) hears disputes on local and pan-Canadian issues and disputes relating to the union's constitution and policies. Visit the PRB site for more information.
The union also adopts policies on issues affecting workers in Canada and around the word to guide bargaining and advocacy efforts. Here you will find all current Unifor policies approved by the union's National Executive Board.
Local Union Finances Roles, Responsibilities and Best Practices
Unifor is AODA compliant and should you require policy documents in another format to make it easily accessible please email treasurer@unifor.org or call 1-800-268-5763 ext. 6546 and we will be happy to provide it to you.
Unifor's Political Action team lobbies on these policies to make change for all people living in Canada. See how the union is engaging with Canada's 43rd parliament. Read more.